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Men's styling tips for your online dating profile pictures

Are you looking to start dating in 2021? If so, you can't go wrong by getting some great profile pictures taken. And I know just the person to do it for you. Saskia and her team at Hey Saturday are experts at taking these and have been doing so for a good few years. 

But before you have those pictures taken, you need to know how to look good in them right? This is where I come in and on a recent Instagram Live with Saskia I answered some client questions and some she had for me too. You can see the questions we were asked by followers below and listen to the full video. Do come over and follow me on Instagram too as I often share styling tips there or if you have any questions yourself, then email them over to me and I'll be happy to answer.

Here are the client questions that I answered:

1. I have a bit of a gut, what can I wear to minimise how it looks on camera? I’ve actually started working out with a personal trainer and my plan it to have a 6-pack by the time the dates start rolling in.....or a 4-pack at least!

2. I know Hey  Saturday recommends wearing bold colours, if possible. I want to start introducing more colour into my outfits. I wear mainly neutrals and I’m so ready for a change… but I don’t know what suits me or where to start. Please help.

3. My wardrobe is embarrassing. I’m planning to start dating so I badly need to update it. I haven’t actually bought anything new this year really. I blame lockdown! So, I’m up for buying a couple of new things for my photoshoot. Any tips?

And Saskia had some extra questions for me too.....

Do you need some more help with getting outfits together for dating? I can advise either Online styling services or In person  Shopping & Styling services (once restrictions are lifted) so please get in touch to arrange your session via the button below:

Need some online dating shots? Head over to Hey Saturday to book your shoot.

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