How to choose the right men’s personal stylist for you in London

Have you vaguely thought about using someone to help you with your wardrobe or shopping before but didn't know where to start? Maybe you've looked into it and done some research but just weren't sure who to pick?

Here are some things to think about when you're looking around, which will help you decide who the best men's personal stylist for you is.

How to choose the right personal shopper for men for you

1. Does the personal stylist look like a good fit for a guy like me?

So firstly, you want to make sure the stylist you've picked is aligned with you.......brands you like, how you'd like to dress, and other considerations that may be important to you. 

  • Do you like the look of their website and branding?
  • Are the sort of brands and shops they're talking about ones you already buy from, or would like to?
  • Does the stylist look friendly and approachable?
  • Are the shops they mention the same level in terms of price and quality, as you like to buy?
  • Do you think you'd get on with the stylist, and enjoy trying out their recommendations?
  • Have they got images on their website / blog / social media that you aspire to?
  • Do you resonate with the way they explain things and find it easy to understand?

Although most men's personal stylists / shoppers are very adaptable, they're likely to have their own preferred shops and brands and ways of styling things, so it's important to make sure you feel like you're on the same wave length. 

I'd advise having a good look around their social media and blogs etc to see if you like the brands and images they use. Listen to any podcasts or interviews they've done and the shops they talk about to get an idea of the type of person they are, and whether you like their style, and feel they're in alignment with your style.....or the one you'd like to have.

And if there's any examples of celebrity style they've shown that they like or perhaps any of their clients (I tend not to show my clients as they prefer to keep under the radar) then check those out too.

One of my male personal shopping clients told me he chose me because he liked my short hair, and another because he thought I sounded like a fun person to hang out with for a day after listening to me talking on a podcast! You can check out all my hundreds of blogs here to see the type of places I like to shop and some of the things I've bought with clients. If you'd like to join my newsletter so you can keep updated then you can do so here

Also, don't be afraid to phone or message them before you decide, to make sure you're thinking along the same lines.

(And if you'd like to chat to me, feel free to give me a call on 07739 469088).

2. How does a personal stylist for men work and what's their process?

There are different ways that men's personal stylists will deliver their shopping or styling sessions. It can be in person, online or maybe a concierge service where they bring clothes to you.

So a few of the things to ask yourself might be:

  • Where are they based if you want to work with them in person? 
  • How far will they travel to do wardrobe edits or colour & style consultations?
  • Do they work online too?
  • Where do they do their personal shopping trips?
  • Can they bring clothes to you?
  • Do they source exclusive products?
  • What sort of time frame do you need? Eg; how much time do you need to leave between a Wardrobe Edit and Personal Shopping? Can a Colour & Style Consultation be done at the same time as a Wardrobe Edit? How booked up in advance are they?
  • Do they work evenings and weekends?

You should be able to see from the personal stylist's website how they work with their male clients but if you're unsure, then contact them to ask and have a chat about which men's styling service would work best for you. 

I usually leave from a few days up to 2 weeks in between a Wardrobe Edit and Personal Shopping trip. I can do a Colour & Style Consultation at the same time as a Wardrobe Edit for Men, and can sometimes be free at short notice! I do also work evenings and weekends. 

It's worth having a think about the sort of way you like to shop too - are you happy to go and get everything on one day so it's done and dusted, which is what we do on a Personal Shopping trip for Men.

Or would you prefer to have a little time to digest it all, and do short, sharp bursts of shopping? This is what I do in my Style Dial Up service. You build up your wardrobe gradually, and have time to think about how the things you've bought are working for you and with the other pieces in your wardrobe, and what you'd like to focus on next time. 

What to consider when choosing a personal stylist for men

3. What sort of clients does the men's personal stylist usually work with & do they have similar needs to me?

You want to know that the stylist you pick is the right person for you and is going to choose clothes that you like and feel are right for you.

Are they working with men, or primarily with women? You might have met a womenswear stylist that your wife or partner has worked with before, in which case it makes sense to work with them as you already know them. But otherwise I'd suggest it's beneficial to work with a personal stylist who specialises in menswear. They will have a better knowledge of the menswear shops and what's in them and will be likely to have seen many of the items on before, so will know how they fit.

I work with many stylish guys as most of my clients tend to be pretty well dressed anyway, but would like some help to put together outfits, and to tweak and refine how they dress. Often they already have an interest in clothes but feel overwhelmed by the choice so stick to the "tried and tested" things they know work, and need a helping hand to experiment......with verification that it looks good and not OTT or as if they're "trying too hard".

If you're an unusual size, then it may be worth checking in with the stylist to see if they've worked with anyone similar........or are prepared to put in the extra prep work that might be needed. I've walked round many a store measuring the thighs on trousers when I had clients with very large thighs and the shops only had skinny and slim fits in! And checked out hundreds of back neck to hem measurements on jackets and t-shirts for shorter guys!

I'll go into costs more below but do check that you think the stylist is on a par with your budget - you don't want them to be suggesting Primark when you'd rather be in Prada, or vice versa. 

4. What are the costs of the personal styling and shopping services, and what's included? 

Most menswear stylists will have the costs of their shopping and styling services listed on their website but if not, give them a call or email them to find out. It's worth having a chat first to see what their process is like and what's included in the costs.

I always allow at least a day before the personal shopping trip to research the stores and put things by or make notes on what we can find where. After shopping, I also include outfit combinations from the things that you've bought, so you know exactly how to wear them.

I do this in an app I use, which you can download to your phone so it's super handy for you to refer to.  Both the prep before to narrow down the selection in the shops and the outfit building afterwards are things the clients find really valuable, and it makes the whole process really worthwhile for them.

Paying for the cost of a menswear personal stylist may seem like a lot of money to spend initially, but if you're one of those people who's bought something in the past, only to have it hanging in the wardrobe unworn as you can't figure out what to wear it with or it wasn't really right for you in the first place, then you'll immediately find it beneficial to have booked the service of an expert, so you don't repeat that mistake!

Not to mention the time it saves not having to go on numerous fruitless shopping trips, plus the intangible benefits of always feeling amazing and finally being able to express yourself fully every single day! In fact many of my clients say they actually feel like they've saved money.

Remember to factor in costs for alterations - some of the stores will offer this for free, some will charge and sometimes I take people to the alterations tailor that I use. If you're buying tailoring it's likely some tweaks will be needed, and if you're on the shorter side of things, you may like to have your shirts shortened, so you can wear them untucked without them looking overly long.

Also, check that the budget you have for the clothes is in alignment with what you'd like to buy. Most people tend not to buy all in one go on their own and may underestimate how much it costs. If you're on a strict budget, then you could ask for a rough break down so you can get an idea of how many pieces you might expect to get in the time allocated, the shops you may go to and the price per item. I've often done this for clients in the past, especially after we've done a Wardrobe Edit and have a good idea of what we need to get.

How do I choose the best personal stylist for men in London

5.  How much experience does the stylist have, and do they have good reviews of their personal shopping & styling services for men?

It's all very well saying you're a personal stylist for men, but has that stylist actually worked with many men before? Do they have experience of dealing with different body shapes, budgets, and styles and do they know where to go to get the right things?

How well do they know the menswear shops, and how the sizes come up? And if you're looking for formal wear - do they know the ins and outs of it and the 'rules' that surround these occasions?

Lots of stylists think menswear is easier than womenswear, as traditionally there's fewer options in terms of items that men can wear. But there are more things you need to know, more do's and don'ts (especially around formal wear) and the fit is super important.

Plus, because there are less options, it makes it even more important to concentrate on the details, which is what can differentiate you from the next guy.

So, I'd advise checking out the reviews they have - either on Google (I've got 41 of them here!) or on their website (I have tons more on mine here!) and pay attention to what the customers say on repeat. 

You could also have a look at whether they they have any blog posts on menswear or if their social media includes useful tips or info to demonstrate their experience and knowledge.

Hopefully this will now have given you a good idea of what to look out for and how to pick your personal stylist for men.

Make sure you check out the stylist likes the type of design and style you do, will be easy to get on with, is experienced and has good reviews, and provides their services in a way, and a cost that works for you. 

And if you've checked me out and like the sound of how I work, then you can book here:

And this is one of my latest (and longest!) reviews:

"Excellent experience. Like many others, I suspect, I had arrived in middle age with a smart wardrobe and a casual wardrobe, but not too much in the smart-casual middle! And anything I did have was navy or grey!

I started with a colour and style consultation, which was very helpful and identified a range of possible colours that I would not normally consider wearing. In addition to the colour and style elements, it was useful to cover hair styles, glasses and accessories. This was also an excellent prep session for a shopping trip.

For the shopping trip, Sarah was very well prepared, having visited many of the shops beforehand to identify suitable options and put things aside. This made the process very painless and we found everything on our list.

It was useful to have someone independent to comment on the colour, style and fit but Sarah was not at all pushy and we agreed on most things! Sarah also did some things that I would never have done on my own - like ask for discounts and take out items purchased in other shops to compare - all very helpful!

Sarah followed up a few days later with an app that shows how I can wear my purchases in various combinations.

A couple of weeks on and I have certainly learned a lot. I am very happy with my purchases and slowly trying out my new outfits. A number of people have already complimented several of my new items.

Well worth it - and something I am looking forward to repeating in a few months."

Like this post? These might help you make your decision too:

Everything you needed to know about a wardrobe edit for men v2

Everything you need to know about my Wardrobe Edit

Why men need a personal stylist more than women do

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