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Podcast interview - why men use a personal stylist

Last week I was asked to be on the podcast of fellow stylist Lisa Gillbe. It's always lovely to connect with other stylists, and Lisa is one of the people I often recommend for women.

I jumped at the chance to be on The Style Stories podcast where we discussed why men and women book personal stylists, plus which 5 pieces we would choose for a smart casual capsule business wardrobe for men or for women.

If you're thinking of booking in for a personal styling or personal shopping session, and would like to hear a little more about how I work and some of the reasons other people have booked then you can listen to the podcast below. If you have similar problems and would like to find out more then please do get in touch for a chat.

Why Hire a Personal Stylist? With episode guest, Personal Stylist Sarah Gillfillan by The Style Stories Podcast

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